b-D-glucan (Rome, Italy)


Maurizio.sanguinetti@unicatt.it; Elena.decarolis@policlinicogemelli.it

Purpose of the test:

Rapidly assess the presence of invasive fungal infection, in particular candidemia

Short description of the test:

Evaluation of the presence in human serum samples of beta-glucan antigen

Cost price of the test:

15 euro (2016)

Sample type(s) and volume:

200 microliters of serum

Transport instructions:


Additional comments(i.e. test accredited? yes/no):

The Microbiology Lab is accredited with Det Norske Veritas ISO 9001:2008 from 2005

Test frequency:


Contact Person:

Maurizio Sanguinetti

Institution name:

Catholic University of Sacred Heart

Lab contact:

Institute of Microbiology

Lab contact details:

Largo A. Gemelli 8
00168 - Rome ITALY

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