Purpose of the test:Diagnosis/Exclusion of fungal infection
Short description of the test:This is a commercial Limulus amoebocyte lysate assay for beta-D-glucan to provide an accurate quantitative measurement of this analyte in a serum sample. The test is performed in our laboratory currently two times a week and all results are phoned or emailed to users. A negative result aids the clinician in excluding a diagnosis of most fungal infections including candidosis, aspergillosis, Fusarium infection, pneumocystis pneumonia. However it will not detect Cryptococcus or mucoraceous moulds.
Cost price of the test:£53.21
Sample type(s) and volume:Serum 200ul
Transport instructions:Samples should not deteriorate over 2-3 days if shipped at ambient temperature
Additional comments(i.e. test accredited? yes/no):This test is CE marked. This test is not currently within scope of our UK Accreditation Service accreditation as this is a relatively newly introduced test.
Test frequency:Twice weekly
Contact Person:Richard Barton (Clinical Scientist in the Mycology Reference Centre)
Institution name:Leeds Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust, Dept Microbiology
Lab contact:Rebekka Tolson, Laboratory Manager
Lab contact details:Department of Microbiology, Leeds General Infirmary
Leeds LS1 3EX United Kingdom
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