4th Meeting of the ISHAM Working group Fungal respiratory infections in CF


On June 5-6th 2017, the 4th meeting of the ECMM/ISHAM working group on “Fungal respiratory infections in Cystic Fibrosis” was held in Osuna (Seville, Spain).

The meeting was a great success with 41 participants coming from ten different countries (Australia, Austria, France, Germany, Italy, Spain, The Netherlands Turkey, UK and USA). Five sessions were organized with one keynote lecture followed by oral presentations of the selected abstracts. In total we had five keynote lectures and 10 oral presentations. We also had a session about funding opportunities for European networks under the title: “European and international cooperation in research and innovation: networks of collaboration between researchers” given by two experts in managing international projects. The meeting ended with a wrap up session leaded by the working group convenor, Jean-Philippe Bouchara, who presented the current joint projects and the future perspectives of our working group.
Several proposals were presented in this meeting that would lead our efforts in the coming years with at least two joint projects and many other possible multicenter collaborations.
We were able to provide the meeting at no cost thanks to our sponsors: ISHAM, ECMM, EFISG (ECCMID), MSD and ROCHE.
We provided a young investigator travel grant that was open to all young ISHAM members and was awarded to Ozge Gungor.

More information about the meeting can be found here: Program_4FriCF_DEF

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