Aleksandra Barac
Clinical Centre of Serbia
Aleksandra Barać, M.D., PhD, Scientific Associate, is a clinician at the Clinic for Infectious and Tropical Diseases, Clinical Centre of Serbia, Faculty of Medicine, University of Belgrade, Serbia and Visiting Professor from 2016 at the University of Sassari, Department of Biomedical Sciences, Sardinia, Italy. Dr Barać is Scientific Associate at the Faculty of Medicine, University of Belgrade and is involved in different national and international research projects. She is interested in mycology from 2009, and did PhD from 2010-2015 with focus on diagnosis of fungal infections of respiratory tract. Dr Barać authored and co-authored numerous publications in the infectious diseases, especially focused on mycology, published two book chapters, and teaches medical undergraduate and postgraduate students. She has expertise in conducting research on clinical mycology, including diagnosis and treatment of respiratory fungal infections, but also invasive fungal infections.
Dr Barać is the president of the Trainee Association of ESCMID (TAE), Vice President of Junior members of European Rhinologic Society (ERS) Council member for International Society for Infectious Diseases (ISID) and Committee member of ISID Emerging Leaders. She serves as an editor for the Journal of Infection in Developing Countries. Dr Barać has been awarded with around 20 international awards, of the most importance are: 2018 ISHAM Young Investigator Award for achievements in clinical mycology, 2017 ESCMID TAE Award for training achievements, 2011 ECMM Young Investigator Award, 2017 EAACI Mentorship award and ERS Junior member grant. She has been a speaker and chair at several national and international conferences, and collaborate with mycology experts from and out of Europe.