Elizabeth Johnson
Public Health England
United Kingdom
Professor Johnson gained her PhD from Bristol University whilst training as a Clinical Scientist in Medical Mycology. She has been a Consultant Clinical Scientist, Director of the UK National Mycology Reference Laboratory and curator of the National Collection of Pathogenic Fungi (NCPF) for 20 years and is an Honorary Professor at the MRC Centre for Medical Mycology, Exeter University. Her particular interests are in the areas of antifungal drugs, diagnosis of fungal infection and identification of pathogenic fungi and she has >200 publications. She enjoys teaching and has run a residential course on the ‘Identification of Pathogenic Fungi’ annually for the last 20 years, as well as participating in the delivery of courses, conferences and lecture tours in many countries.
She is a former President of the British Society for Medical Mycology, advisor for the CLSI and editor for the Journal of Antimicrobial Chemotherapy and currently a Clinical Scientist assessor for the Association of Clinical Scientists and a Mycology Section editor for the Manual of Clinical Microbiology.