Tamás Papp

University of Szeged

Tamás Papp, PhD, DSc, is a professor of biology at the Department of Microbiology of the University of Szeged. He is the principal investigator of the ELKH-SZTE Patomechanisms of Fungal Infections Research Group. Until 2021, he leaded the Fungal Pathogenicity Mechanisms Research Group, which was founded by the support of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences in 2016. His studies primarily focus on the genetic and molecular background of the fungal pathogenesis and antifungal resistance, especially those of mucormycosis-causing fungi. He also has a strong interest in the development of new molecular diagnostic methods and to study the phylogeny and evolution of pathogenic fungi. He has published more than 135 peer reviewed papers and 16 book chapters. Until 2022, he has been the principal investigator in 17 national and international projects.

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