Florence Persat

Lyon I University

Florence Persat is Associate Professor at Lyon I University, and works at the Mycology-Parasitology Unit in the Institute of Infectious Agents of the Croix-Rousse Hospital (“Hospices Civils de Lyon”, HCL). This unit performs the diagnosis of fungal infections for the 5300 beds of the HCL, working also for external hospitals. She specialized in fungal serology tests and created in 2013 the first french External Quality Assessment on Aspergillus antigens, Cryptococcus antigens and Aspergillus antibodies. She published more than fifty articles in international and national journals. After studies on human dendritic cells during infections, her research is now targeted on the epidemiological detection of resistant Aspergillus strains. She also serves as a board member of the French Society for Medical Mycology.

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