Georgia Vrioni

Medical School, National & Kapodistrial University Of Athens

Georgia Vrioni is currently Professor in the Department of Microbiology at the Medical School, University of Athens, Greece. Her main fields of interest and research are molecular microbiology, antimicrobial resistance mechanisms in Gram negative bacteria and fungi, and detection and identification of fungal, bacterial and viral pathogens in clinical samples. She is the scientific supervisor: (a) Mycology Unit and (b) Quality Control Unit of Microbiological Analysis in Microbiology Department, Medical School, University of Athens (Head Prof. A. Tsakris). She has been member of the Organizing Committee of various Congresses, Workshops and Seminar. She has been invited speaker in more than 150 Seminars, Congresses, Scientific Meetings, Symposia, Workshops and Courses. She has active participation in the Advisory Board of Hellenic Society for Microbiology since 2007 and of the Hellenic Society of Medical Mycology (HSoMM) since 2008 (President of HSoMM since 2021). She has 102 full publications in SCI journals (PubMed, April 2023 – 20 of them in the field of medical mycology) with 2.131 citations covered by Scopus, h- index 27 and 3.036 citations covered by Google Scholar, h-index 30 and i10-index 47 (April 2023), more than 400 abstracts presented in International and Hellenic Congresses and 73 full publications in Hellenic Scientific Journals.

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