1st FDLC/ATLAS Course in Clinical Fungi, November 7-12, 2022, Chicago, USA
There is an enlarging gap between the increasing fungal infections and the decreasing laboratory skillsets to identify these medically important fungi causing human infections. The course includes a panel of internationally recognized medical mycologists, pathologists, pharmacists, and infectious disease specialists with experts in fungal disease diagnosis to provide a great educational venue to fulfill the gap.
The 6-full day in-person CME and P.A.C.E. credited course will be covered by morning sessions for lectures and afternoon sessions for practical lab training. The course materials include the Atlas of Clinical Fungi (by Sybren de Hoog, Josep Guarro, …, and Roxana Vitale), and Larone’s Medically Important Fungi (by Davise Larone, Randall Hayden, and Thomas Walsh). The content of the course is designed to equip the attendees with the knowledge and practical laboratory skills to enhance and improve the diagnosis of fungal diseases. The intended participants are laboratory professionals and clinical trainees at all learning levels who are interested in diagnosis of fungal diseases. The topics include laboratory identification of mucormycetes, hyaline hyphomycetes, dematiaceous fungi, dermatophytes, dimorphic fungi, basidiomycetes and Yeast and yeast-like fungi and clinical aspects of the diseases caused by these fungi. In addition, fungal histopathology, MALDI-TOF MS, sequencing based identification and phylogenetic analysis, antifungal susceptibility testing, PK/PD of antifungals, and case discussion will be covered. There will be a final exam and certificates in the end. A maximum of 50 participants is allowed.
Location: Loyola University Medical Center, Chicago, Illinois, USA
• To describe fungal organisms that cause human diseases
• To learn practical laboratory approaches to identify medically important fungal organisms and understand the coherence of the fungal kingdom beyond strings of nucleotides
• To understand the clinical aspects of fungal diseases.
Further information and to register click below:
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