Call for IFIs due to Paecilomyces or Purpureocillium spp.
Dear valued colleagues,
Today the Cologne ECMM Excellence Center needs your help!
We want to collect 100 cases of proven/probable Paecilomyces and Purpureocillium infection in FungiScope. Many may think it is impossible, but we are such a strong network, that we can master this challenging task.
Next stop for us in Cologne is to search the hospital, and specifically the microbiology database, and we will call neighboring hospitals. You may be able to do the same.
We have just released the new video “Call for IFIs due to Paecilomyces or Purpureocillium spp.” on our “ID in Motion” YouTube channel on this, in English ( and Spanish (
Please spread the news, and help shedding together some light on these rare diseases.
Thank you all in advance.
Best regards
Prof. Oliver A. Cornely MD, FACP, FIDSA, FAAM, FECMM
Chair | Translational Research | CECAD Cluster of Excellence | University of Cologne
Scientific Director | Center for Clinical Trials | University Hospital
Consultant | Infectious Diseases | Dep. I for Internal Medicine | University Hospital
ECMM Diamond Excellence Center |
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