Special Issue in ECMM Journal of Fungi on “Fungal Infections Complicating COVID-19”
ECMM council members Alida Talento and Martin Hoenigl have launched a Special Issue in the ECMM affiliated Journal of Fungi which will focus on fungal infections complicating COVID-19, ranging from basic science papers elucidating pathophysiology and immunology, including mycobiome studies; to diagnostic studies evaluating microbiological and clinical/radiological findings; to clinical studies and observations (including case reports and case series) of fungal infections complicating COVID-19. While the primary focus will be invasive fungal infections, large case series of non-invasive fungal infections (e.g. thrush) will be considered as well.
Submission Deadline is June 1st.
More information can be found here https://www.mdpi.com/journal/jof/special_issues/fungal_COVID-19