Joint sessions and workshops

Special sessions and workshops are organised by ECMM (together with other mycological societies and during international mycological conferences).

ECMM Workshops

Transdisciplinary ECMM Antifungal Stewardship Workshop (Duden I, January 2016, Wesel, Germany)
To access the speaker presentations from the course via the E-materials portal, please go to: (access code is ECMM951)
report of this meeting

Joint ECMM-ISHAM sessions

2nd Duden Conference / 1st ISHAM-ECMM Aspergillus Resistance Surveillance working group meeting (January 2017, Berg en Dal (Nijmegen), Netherlands)
To access the speaker presentations from the course via the E-materials portal, please go to: (access code is ISHAM531)
report of this meeting

ECMM has convened 3 joint sessions with International Society for Human and Animal Mycology(ISHAM) during ISHAM European congresses.

  • 13th ISHAM Congress (Parma, 1997)
  • 16th ISHAM Congress (Paris, 2006)
  • 18th ISHAM Congress (Berlin, 2012)

Joint ECMM-IUMS sessions
During 2008 IUMS conference (and the XII International Congress of Mycology), several ECMM events were held.

  • ECMM and joint ISHAM-ECMM working group sessions

ECMM workshops (at National meetings)

  • 2nd ECMM workshop at 10-FIMUA Congress, Milan, Italy, 2010
  • 3rd ECMM Educational Symposium at ICCC-9, Amsterdam, the Netherlands, May 2014
  • 4th ECMM Educational Symposium on Ecology and Mycology: From the environment to the patient’s bed, Tel-Aviv, Israel, February 2016
  • 5th ECMM Educational Symposium on Rare Yeasts (A Growing Threat), Iasi, Romania/Online, July 2021