Study Group Next Generation Sequencing (NGS) for mycobiota analysis

Coordinators Laurence Delhaes (France) - Jean-Pierre Gangneux (France)

While surveys on the mycobiota are more rare than bacterial microbiota investigation, NGS is an increasingly affordable and disposable technique in many european laboratories. It has been shown that diversities of mycobiome in various sites vary in different populations and conditions, for example according to the stages of diseases or the medications taken. Thus, it is probable that such investigation will become in the near future part of the diagnosis and management of many diseases. However, the wide domain of indication and diversity of the techniques used may alter comparisons and data interpretation.

The objectives of this study group are:

1/ to draw a picture of the use of NGS for mycobiota investigation in european labs in 2017

2/ to initiate a multicenter prospective analysis on the impact of this new tool on the management of the patients

3/ to organize a symposium during the TIMM 2019 in Nice

For the complete document and the ECMM survey on goals and practices in european labs, please click below.
NGS ECMM Study Group

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