
The official source of information on the ECMM EC application must contain the following information:

  1. Person in charge
  2. Title
  3. Name of the head of the applying ECMM EC
  4. Name and contact details of the institution
  5. Date of original designation, date of last re-designation (if any) and date of expiry
  6. Terms of reference, i.e. application for laboratory or clinical mycology or both
  7. Types of activity


Applications should be submitted electronically to All proposals for designation are processed electronically. The ECMM office initiates the procedure of designation by notifying the ECMM EC Committee.

Submissions are welcome anytime. The ECMM website will give updated information as appropriate.

The ECMM EC Committee runs the evaluation according to the ECMM EC audit plan and the ECMM office initiates a site visit. Site visits last one full day and include an inspection consisting of at least two experts in the field. Experts named by the Committee will be disclosed to the applicants prior to the visit. Applicants are encouraged to nominate national or international experts.

The ECMM office coordinates dates between the inspectors and institutions. Interview appointments may be required and should be freely agreed. The inspectors should submit a full report to the Committee within 4 weeks after the site visit. In turn, the Committee recommends to the ECMM Board, which decides whether an institution will be designated as ECMM EC.