Excellence Centers


Medical University of Graz (since 2019)
Department of Internal Medicine
Division of Infectious Diseases
Auenbruggerplatz 15
8036 Graz, Austria
Univ.Prof. Dr. Robert Krause robert.krause@medunigraz.at
Assoz. Prof. Dr. Martin Hönigl
Priv.Doz. Dr. Juergen Prattes juergen.prattes@medunigraz.at

Medical University of Innsbruck & University Hospital Innsbruck (since 2018)
Division of Hygiene and Medical Microbiology and Comprehensive Centre for Infection, Immunity and Transplantation
Schöpfstraße 41
6020 Innsbruck, Austria
Prof. Dr. Cornelia Lass-Flörl,hygiene-bakteriologie@i-med.ac.at 

Medical University of Vienna (since 2023)
Division of Clinical Microbiology, Department of Laboratory Medicine & Division of Infectious Diseases and Tropical Medicine, Department of Internal Medicine I
Währinger Gürtel 18-20/5P
1090 Vienna, Austria
Prof. Dr. Birgit Willinger birgit.willinger@meduniwien.ac.at


UZ Leuven (since 2018)
Herestraat 49
3000 Leuven, Belgium
Prof. Johan Maertens, adult hematology/HSC transplantation, johan.maertens@uzleuven.be, tel +32 16 34 68 87
Prof. Katrien Lagrou, microbiology/mycology, katrien.lagrou@uzleuven.be, tel +32 16 34 70 98
Prof. Isabel Spriet, clinical pharmacy, Isabel.spriet@uzleuven.be, tel +32 16 34 12 61
Prof. Joost Wauters, medical intensive care, joost.wauters@uzleuven.be, tel +32 16 34 47 75
Prof. Eric Van Wijngaerden, infectious diseases, eric.vanwijngaerden@uzleuven.be, tel +32 16 34 47 75
Prof. Robin Vos, pulmonology/lung transplantation, robin.vos@uzleuven.be, tel +32 16 34 68 02


University Hospital Center Zagreb Department of Clinical and Molecular Microbiology (since 2018)
Kišpatićeva 12,
10 000 Zagreb, Croatia
Prof. dr. sc. Ivana Mareković, imarekov@kbc-zagreb.hr
Dr. Sanja Pleško, MD, sanja.plesko@kbc-zagreb.hr


Saint-Louis Hospital APHP Paris, Department of Infectious Diseases, (since 2019)
1 avenue Claude Vellefaux, 75010
Paris, France

Prof Jean-Michel Molina, jean-michel.molina@aphp.fr
Dr Blandine Denis, blandine.denis@aphp.fr

CHU Rennes, Parasitology and Mycology Division (since 2022)
2 rue Henri le Guilloux
35033 Rennes CEDEX
Prof. Jean-Pierre Gangneux, jean-pierre.gangneux@univ-rennes1.fr 


University of Cologne, Department I for Internal Medicine (since 2017)
Kerpener Strasse 62
50937 Köln, Germany
Prof. Dr. med. Oliver A. Cornely, oliver.cornely@uk-koeln.de
Dr. med. Philipp Koehler, philipp.koehler@uk-koeln.de
Dr. med. Michaela Simon michaela.simon@uk-koeln.de

ECMM Progress Report 2017-2021 (EC Cologne)
Press releases:
Press Release Medical Mycology Cologne_2022-04-12
Antifungal Prophylaxis_2022-04-26

University Hospital Essen, Institute of Medical Microbiology (since 2018)
Virchowstrasse 179
D – 45147 Essen
Prof. Dr. med. Peter-Michael Rath, pm.rath@uni-due.de
Prof. Dr. med. Jörg Steinmann, Joerg.Steinmann@klinikum-nuernberg.de 


St James’s Hospital / Department of Clinical Microbiology, Trinity Translational Medicine Institute, Trinity College Dublin (since 2022)
Microbiology Department
Central Pathology Laboratory
St James’s Hospital
James Street, Dublin 8, Ireland
Prof Johannes Wagener WAGENERJ@tcd.ie


Center of Expertise for Mycology  Radboudumc / CWZ  (since 2017)
Nijmegen, The Netherlands
Prof. Paul Verweij, Paul.Verweij@radboudumc.nl
Dr. Eelco Meijer, Eelco.Meijer@cwz.nl


Mycology Reference Centre Manchester in partnership with the National AspergillosisCentre (NAC), Manchester University NHS Hospital Trust (since 2017)
Education and Research Centre
Wythenshawe Hospital
Manchester M23 9LT
Dr. Riina Richardson, riina.richardson@manchester.ac.uk
Dr. Chris Kosmidis: chris.kosmidis@manchester.ac.uk
Dr. Rohit Bazaz: rohit.bazaz@mft.nhs.uk
for detailed information, click here: ECMM entry update 2024

MRC Centre for Medical Mycology at the University of Exeter in partnership with St Georges’ University Hospital London and the UKHSA Mycology Reference Laboratory in Bristol (since 2023)
contact address:
University of Exeter, Geoffrey Pope Building, Stocker Road,
Exeter, EX4 4QD,
United Kingdom
Prof. Adilia Warris,  a.warris@exeter.ac.uk


University of Texas, M.D. Anderson Cancer Center (since 2018)
Division of Internal Medicine, Department of Infectious Diseases, Infection Control and Employee Health
1515 Holcombe Boulevard,
Houston, TX 77030, USA
Prof. Dimitrios P. Kontoyiannis, Dkontoyi@mdanderson.org 

Washington University School of Medicine in St Louis (since 2024)
Division of Infectious Diseases, Department of Internal Medicine,
4523 Clayton Ave,
St. Louis MO, 63110, USA
Andrej Spec, MD, MSCI, FIDSA, FECMM, andrejspec@wustl.edu and Adriana Rauseo, MD, a.rauseoacevedo@wustl.edu


Distribution of ECMM Excellence Centers worldwide as of January 2024