20th symposium of the International Immunocompromised Host Society, Hotel Divani Acropolis in Athens, Greece, June 2018


We encourage all who are interested in the clinical practice and research on infections in immunocompromised host to attend the 20th ICHS Symposium in Athens, Greece June 17-19, 2018. Many symposia, plenary sessions, poster sessions will provide the attendee with opportunities to meet with outstanding leaders and clinical experts in the broad field of infectious diseases and immune-deficiencies while covering such diverse topics as new diagnostics,  infections in transplant recipients,  Invasive fungal infections and resistance,  treatment of multi-resistant bacteria, infectious complications in immunocompromised children,  life-threatening infections and intensive care in neutropenic cancer patients ,antiviral and antifungal immune responses in compromised hosts,  prophylaxis and treatment of viral infections in immunocompromised hosts, and others.  Additionally, we have chosen an outstanding venue that is in the shadow of the Acropolis with many opportunities to explore Historic Athens and the surrounding area.  We look forward seeing you in Athens!  Please see the flyer for more information.  Please check back often for updated information.



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