Defining Breakthrough Invasive Fungal Infection– Position Paper of the MSG-ERC and the ECMM
Breakthrough IFIs have emerged as a significant problem in patients receiving systemic antifungals; however, consensus criteria for defining breakthrough IFI are missing. This position paper establishes broadly applicable definitions of breakthrough IFI for clinical research. In these comprehensive consensus definitions breakthrough IFI was defined as any IFI occurring during exposure to an antifungal drug, including fungi outside the spectrum of activity of an antifungal. The time of breakthrough IFI was defined as the first attributable clinical sign or symptom, mycological finding or radiological feature. The period defining breakthrough IFI depends on pharmacokinetic properties and extends at least until one dosing interval after drug discontinuation. These definitions are intended to support the design of future clinical trials and epidemiological research in clinical mycology, with the ultimate goal of increasing the comparability of clinical trial results.
The full paper can be found under the following link:
PDF: Cornely Mycoses 2019 Defining Breakthrough IFI – Position Paper of the M…