New FECMM paper on the role of medical mycology societies in combating invasive fungal infections in low- and middle-income countries
Poor awareness, lack of skilled personnel and dearth of diagnostic facilities are principal contributors to the scourge of invasive fungal infections in low- and middle-income countries.
This paper led by Rita Oladele, FECMM, and published in Mycoses with 3 other FECMM as co-authors, investigates the role of medical mycology societies in combating invasive fungal infections in low- and middle-income countries, using Nigeria as a role-model. The paper examines the status of medical mycology practice in Nigeria and chronicles the journey to change the status quo spurred by the Leading International Fungal Education (LIFE)-facilitated burden estimate paper and culminating in the birth of the Medical Mycology Society of Nigeria (MMSN), the pioneer national medical mycology society in Africa.
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