SSMM Training / Workshop


Training / Workshop “Diagnosis of fungal infections – from patient sample to an mycologist`s opinion”
13 March, 2015, Hotel Crowne Plaza, Belgrade, Serbia
Chair: prof. dr Valentina Arsić Arsenijević
Organizer: Serbian Society of Medical Mycology

It is a pleasure to inform you that Serbian Society of Medical Mycology (SSMM) will organize training for nurses and medical technicians “Diagnosis of fungal infections – from patient sample to an mycologist`s opinion” which will be held on 13 March 2015 in Belgrade, Serbia. The official langue is Serbian. SSMM was established in 2008 with aim to promote importance of human fungal infections, their prevention, diagnosis and treatment. SSMM is member of ECMM since 2009 and actively participates in all events organized by the ECMM. Increased incidence of fungal infections requires the introduction of new methods of sampling and diagnosis and its continuous improvement. Biomedical technicians contribute enormously to successful patient and have great impact on obtaining the accurate and timely results. Both clinics and laboratories are responsible for the validity of the laboratory findings. Therefore, this training will allow the transfer of necessary knowledge and strengthening the links between clinics and laboratories for the methods of sampling, its quality, transport and processing. In order to achieve timely and accurate diagnosis of fungal infections see for more information

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