5th ECMM Educational Symposium “Rare Yeasts – A Growing Threat”


In view of the current state of the COVID 19 Pandemic, and following consultation with the ECMM Board, ECMM Educational Officer and Congress Care, it was decided to change the Educational Symposium  on “Rare Yeasts – A Growing Threat” on July 1-2 2021, in Iasi, Romania to an ONLINE meeting.


This meeting, jointly organized by ECMM, ESCMID, and ISHAM, is presenting a novel approach to a microbial group – the “rare yeasts” as human pathogens of significance. It will focus on a new aspect of fungal infections, which did not thus far receive adequate attention, and may contribute to further interest, resulting in novel diagnostic and therapeutic measures.
The scientific program will include state-of-the-art presentations in the field, from taxonomy and pathogenicity to immunity and guidelines for infection management.

We look forward to welcoming you Online!
Prof. Esther Segal and Prof. Mihai Mares
Symposium Chairs

For the programme 5th ECMM Educational Symposium and further infromation, click below

For registration click here

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