9th Advances Against Aspergillosis and Mucormycosis conference
This conference, that will take place on 27-29 February 2020, in Lugano, Switzerland, has clearly established itself as the premier forum for detailed and dedicated discussion of all aspects of Aspergillus and Mucorales infection and research. From prior meetings, 267 papers will have been published in 9 Supplements, as well as the 1,429 abstracts. The meeting is suitable for workers in many aspects of the field: our registration records from past meetings show attendees are infectious disease specialists, hematologists, oncologists, transplantation specialists, allergists, chest physicians, intensivists, other internists and pediatricians, clinical microbiologists, pharmacists, toxicologists, financial and pharmaceutical industry and hospital executives, governmental employees in healthcare and regulatory fields, veterinarians, environmental specialists, public health specialists, mycologists, immunologists, geneticists, epidemiologists, plant pathologists, other basic scientists, nurses, Fellows, Residents and MD and PhD students. This meeting is another chance to gather the world’s aspergillosis and mucormycosis experts in one venue. A fundamental tenet of this colloquium, dedicated by the founding Co-Organizers before the first meeting, continues to be to engender collaborative relationships amongst clinicians, scientists, and industry to further advance the field.
for all information: https://aaam2020.org/
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