Polish Dermatologic Society Mycology Section

Council of the Mycology Section of the Polish Dermatology Society:

  • 1. Eugeniusz Baran – President
  • 2. Anita Hryncewicz-Gwóźdź – Secretary
  • 3. Rafał Białynicki-Birula – Treasurer
  • 4. R. Maleszka, Z. Adamski, R. Białynicki-Birula,A. Hryncewicz-Gwóźdź, R. Nowicki – Members of Council

Prof. Eugeniusz Baran
Department of Dermatology, Vererology and Allergology
Chalubinskiego Street 1
50-368 Wroclaw

Polish Delegate of ECMM
Anita Hryncewicz-Gwóźdź
Contact: anita.hryncewicz-gwozdz@am.wroc.pl